IEC 60749-6 pdf download.Semiconductor devices – Mechanical and climatic test methods
1 Scope
The purpose of this part of IEC 60749 is to test and determine the effect on all semiconductor electronic devices of storage at elevated temperature without electrical stress applied. This test is considered non-destructive but should preferably be used for device qualification. If such devices are used for delivery, the effects of this highly accelerated stress test will need to be evaluated. In general, this test of storage at high temperature is in conformity with IEC 60068-2-48 but, due to specific requirements of semiconductors, the clauses of this standard apply.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. IEC 60068-2-48:1982, Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests. Guidance on the application of the tests of IEC 68 to simulate the effects of storage
3 Test apparatus
The apparatus required for this test shall consist of a controlled temperature chamber capable of maintaining the specific temperature within ±2 °C.
4 Procedure
The device under test shall be subjected to continuous storage at 0 4 150 + + °C for 0 72 000 1 + h, except they shall be returned to room ambient conditions for interim electrical measurements. 4.1 Measurements Unless otherwise specified, interim and final electrical measurements shall be completed within 96 h after removal of the devices from the specified test conditions. Intermediate measurements are optional unless otherwise specified. The electrical measurements shall consist of parametric and functional tests specified in the applicable procurement document.4.2 Failure criteria A device will be considered a high temperature storage failure if parametric limits are exceeded, or if functionality cannot be demonstrated under nominal and worst-case conditions, specified in the relevant procurement document. Mechanical damage, such as cracking of the package, will be considered a failure. Cosmetic package defects and degradation of lead finish, or solderability are not considered failure criteria.
5 Summary
The following details shall be specified in the relevant specification: a) Electrical measurements (see 4.1). b) Sample size. c) Time and temperature, if other than specified (see clause 4). d) Intermediate measurements, if required (see 4.1).